VIL-VCU English: e-learning + exam

When working with an increased risk of injury, the employee is required to be in possession of a valid VCA certificate.

Contents of The VIL-VCU course

VIL-VCU for intercedents
Goal Safer work and preventing (near) accidents in workplaces where there is increased risk
For whom Employees and intercedents in the employment agency branch
Duration course Approximately 7 hours
Course level HBO
Content online training
  • 12 online modules
  • Practice questions
  • Reference
  • SSVV example exam
  • PlusPort example exam
  • Extra documents
Modules Part A: Preparation, discussion and inspection

  • Regulation and safety rules
  • Safe working, consultation and inspections
  • Prevention

Part B: Performing work

  • The workplace
  • Personal protective equipment (‘PBMs’)
  • Work resources
  • Specific activities and circumstances

Part C: Managing specific hazards

  • Dangerous substances
  • Electricity and radiation
  • Fire and explosion

Part D: Managing incidents and emergency situations

  • Accidents
  • Emergency situations
Reference The reference work can be printed by the student before he has completed the exam. The reference is a summary and does NOT describe the entire course.
Practice questions Each section contains knowledge-oriented and application-oriented questions. These questions can be practiced without limits.
SSVV example exams Two attempts at the example exam.
PlusPort example exams Two attempts at the example exam.
Extra documents
  • Glossary
  • List of abbreviations
  • Exam development
Exam VIL-VCU exam: 70 multiple choice questions, 45 of which must be answered correctly
Certificate Every student who passed the exam receives a diploma and a pass by post. This diploma is valid for 10 years. The diploma is valid in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Register The diploma is registered in the CDR register of the VCA Exam Bank. The diploma is also registered in the PlusPort Academy, which gives the student a reminder for renewal on time.
Course price  EN €159,00 ex. BTW