VCA Basic Safety English (B-VCA): e-learning + exam

For work with an increased risk of physical injury and material damage, the employee is required to be in possession of a valid VCA diploma. Depending on the tasks and responsibilities, the employee must obtain a diploma for VCA Basic Safety (B-VCA), VOL-VCA for operational managers or VIL-VCU for temporary employment agencies. The e-learning modules always meet the final objectives so that you will not be confronted with surprises during the exam and during your work.

Via the selection menu (above this text) you can find all course variants and language versions.

Contents of The VCA Basic Safety Course

E-learning and exam
Training goals After the training the candidate knows:

  • What behaviour can cause in the context of working safely
  • How safer working leads to fewer (near) accidents
  • How a safer working environment can be created
Target audience Employees with operational tasks under supervision of an operational manager (VOL-VCA)
Course duration Approximately 6 hours
Language English
Course package
  • 12 e-learning modules
  • Practice questions
  • Reference
  • SSVV example exam
  • PlusPort example exam
  • Online extra documents
Modules Part A: Preparation, discussion and inspection

  • Regulation and safety rules
  • Safe working, consultation and inspections
  • Prevention

Part B: Performing work

  • The workplace
  • Personal protective equipment (‘PBMs’)
  • Work resources
  • Specific activities and circumstances

Part C: Managing specific hazards

  • Dangerous substances
  • Electricity and radiation
  • Fire and explosion

Part D: Managing incidents and emergency situations

  • Accidents
  • Emergency situations
Exam The VCA exam is an official exam. The candidate has a choice of over 50 locations to do the exam. The basic VCA exists of 40 multiple choice questions, 26 of which must be answered correctly. You will have a maximum of 60 minutes to complete the exam. We provide the VCA training and the VCA related exam is carried out by an SSVV recognized examination bureau.
Diploma Candidates who passed the exam, receive a diploma. This diploma is valid for 10 years.Further information:

The Netherlands and Belgium have a long tradition of cooperation in the field of VCA. This has led to Belgium now using the same system as The Netherlands. Dutch and Belgian VCA diplomas are therefore equivalent and valid in both countries.

Germany, France and Austria:
You can often also get started in Germany, France and Austria with your VCA diploma. It is ultimately your client who determines whether your certificate suffices. Conversely, the German, French and Austrian variants of VCA are also accepted in these countries, whereby the client determines again.

Other countries:
Other countries do not (yet) use safety systems comparable to VCA. Your diploma is not valid there, just as VCA variants from other countries are not valid in The Netherlands.

Register The diploma is registered in the Centraal Diploma Register VCA (CDR). The diploma is also registered in the profile of the PlusPort Academy, which gives the candidate a reminder for renewal on time.
Course price EN € 159,00 ex VAT