After successful completion of the VCA exam you will receive your personal VCA certificate. With this certificate you can prove that you posses sufficient knowledge to carry out your work safely. More and more organizations expect both employees and suppliers to have completed VCA certification.
After following the VCA course and with successful completion of the VCA exam you will receive your personal VCA certificate from VCAdirect. From that moment you can demonstrate anywhere that you are a professional.
A VCA certificate can be seen as a VCA diploma for the successful completion of your VCA training. VCA certification is necessary to show that you have followed the VCA training and know how to work safely. The VCA certificate is issued by VCAdirect and is obtained according to the national regulations.
In times when safety is an important social theme, this VCA certificate can help you get more and more work. Also for organizations that were previously out of your reach!
VCA diploma and other countries:
The Netherlands and Belgium have a long tradition of cooperation in the field of VCA. This has led to Belgium now using the same system as the Netherlands. Dutch and Belgian VCA diplomas are therefore equivalent and valid in both countries.
Germany, France and Austria:
You can often also get started in Germany, France and Austria with your VCA diploma. It is ultimately your client who determines whether your certificate suffices. Conversely, the German, French and Austrian variants of VCA are also accepted in these countries, whereby the client determines again.
Other countries:
Other countries do not (yet) use safety systems comparable to VCA. Your diploma is not valid there, just as VCA variants from other countries are not valid in the Netherlands.
So register now and get your VCA diploma quickly!